Antigua is the Centre of Caribbean Sailing

Our Sailors are Very Competitive!

They Like to Win Trophies


Every year around the festive Christmas period Antigua Yacht Club is proud to offer it’s members and all comers an opportunity to participate in the High Tide Series regatta

For 2018 AYC are very happy to announce that their High Tide Series  is  being generously sponsored by Caribbean Chandlers, Budget Marine again.

The provisional schedule for racing is as follows:

Race 1   Thursday 20/12 – start 4pm                                                   

Race 2   Saturday 22/12 – start 1.30 pm

Race 3   Saturday 22/12 – start approx. 3pm (asap after race completed)

Race 4   Wednesday 26/12 – start 12.00 noon

Race 5   Wednesday 26/12 BOXING DAY BARREL Race – start not before 2.00 pm. when race 4 completed.

The Budget Marine High Tide Series offers an exciting 5-race event over the Christmas period, which culminates with a post event Party & Prize giving on Boxing Day evening.

This years Notice of Race, Sailing Instructions and race course will be available on the website soon…….