AYC Car Park Rules & Restrictions 2024
AYC Car Park – Rules and Regulations 2024
Due to the very limited available parking spaces it is essential that restrictions apply and that parking is controlled and time limited.
The AYC board has installed security cameras to monitor the use of the car parks and other areas of the club. This has become necessary due to repeat occurrences of the access barrier being crashed causing significant inconvenience and additional costs to the club.
1) Use of the AYC Car Parks is a privilege of membership extended to current members for their private use only while enjoying the facilities of the club.
2) A valid club sticker must be displayed on the windscreen of the member’s car at all times. Stickers are available from the club office.
3) Access to the main car park via the barrier requires a gate clicker that can be purchased by members from the club office for a charge of EC$200 (inclusive ABST).
4) Use of the top car park behind the events centre is restricted to members on club business only (eg. visiting the office) and should be limited to a period of 3 hours maximum per day.
5) No overnight parking is permitted without first obtaining authorisation from the club office, and will be given only for exceptional reasons.
6) The two AYC restaurants are allocated one parking space each for staff.
7) One car parking space is reserved for use of the club Commodore. Members are asked to respect this space.
8) AYC may suspend the car parking privilege at any time and will notify members accordingly in advance.
9) Members are not permitted to allow associates, clients or guests access to the car park under any circumstances. This rule also applies to the restaurants and the marina. See below for restrictions on commercial vehicles.
10) Cars must be parked in a sensible manner and should not block access to the marina, barrier, or the restaurant deliveries.
11) Any member or vendor causing a nuisance in the car park or attempting to crash the barrier will have their privilege withdrawn and asked to pay for any damage incurred. Repeat offenders will be subject to the club disciplinary procedures.
12) Commercial vehicles who wish to use the car park to service marina clients are required to purchase and display a commercial pass available from the office for US$500/year (plus ABST). This also applies to members who operate local businesses.
The following vehicles are permitted to use the car park for specific and time limited purposes.
- Commercial vehicles servicing the marina clients displaying a pass as per rule 12.
- Deliveries to AYC Restaurants.
- Vehicles involved in regattas / AYC events (e.g. approved suppliers/ production organisers).
- ABSAR emergency vehicles attending to an emergency or servicing the rescue boat. ABSAR volunteers displaying a pass may also use the car park while attending an emergency. An annual ABSAR pass may be obtained from the office.
Approved by the AYC Board February 2024
Effective date: 4 March 2024