The AYC Dinghies are available only to paid up Gold Members of the yacht club. Gold Members can be weekly, monthly, seasonal or annual.
Members must be familiar with the type of dinghy they wish to sail.
Please register your intention to use a dinghy with the yacht club office. At times when the office is closed, please speak to one of the instructors.
If you are unknown to the instructors, they may oversee you rigging a dinghy.
If, at an instructors discretion, he feels you are not sufficiently familiar with the type of dinghy you wish to sail, he may suggest you take a few lessons. Don’t be offended, it is for your safety and the safety of others.
Please remember that the dinghies are for the use of other yacht club members and are used for the training of children and young people. If a dinghy is damaged it prevents it from being used by others.
Be aware that the sailing area is a confined space especially the area near to the club and note that expensive yachts are moored close by.
If you are not familiar with Falmouth Harbour, stick to the areas where you can see other dinghies sailing.
The instructors are there to help but their prime function is to instruct. If you need more than casual help or a little advice – book a lesson.
Demand for dinghies is high, particularly when races are being held. Booking in advance can secure a dinghy for when you want it and avoid disappointment.
The instructor’s word is final. If, for any reason, an instructor feels it is unsafe for you to take a dinghy out then accept what he says.