The Nominating Committee, chaired again by Ann Ayres, has now been convened in preparation for finding volunteers to take places on the AYC Board of Directors for the next year, which runs from November to November.
The By-Laws state that anyone wishing to stand should have been full voting Member for at least a year. Flag Officers, i.e. Commodore, Vice Commodore and Rear Commodore can only be nominated from the Board.
In the past few years AYC has become much more dynamic, especially with The Youth Sailing Program, and the Board needs “fresh blood” to help progress/develop other plans for the future. Next year will be particularly exciting as it is now confirmed that we’ll be hosting the 2019 Optinam World Championship in July
If you are interested in having a say in where AYC should go and assisting in the day-to-day operations please, in the first instance, contact Nesie at the AYC office by replying to this email message or call 460 – 1799 and she’ll put you in touch with Ann by 5th October 2018, as the nominees for the Board has to be published 30 days before the AGM along with the official Notice of the AGM.
We look forward to you joining us
Best wishes
Clare Cupples
Vice Commodore