Members are hereby notified that the Annual General Meeting will take place on
Tuesday 26th November,2024 at 1800hrs at the AYC Event Centre.
We will endeavor to hold a hybrid AGM Meeting, i.e. in person at the Event Centre and on Zoom.

However, we will not be able to entertain online voting and anyone who wishes to vote will need to give their proxy vote to someone who will be present in the room.
View and Download – Proxy Voting Form Here

Club’s Financial Accounts – The club’s year end is 31st August.  The accounts are currently with our auditors.  Upon completion, members will be notified.

A provisional AGM agenda has been prepared and members have until ten days prior to the AGM to submit items for resolution at the AGM.  The provisional agenda appears below.  Circulation of this Agenda serves as a Notice of the date and time of the AGM in accordance with By-Law 26.​


  1. Adoption of the minutes of the last Annual General Meeting
  2. Reports of the Flag Officers
  3. Reports of the Committees elected by the membership
  4. Consideration and approval of the Club’s annual accounts
  5. Report of the Nomination Committee
  6. Nominations from the floor
  7. Election of the Board of Directors
  8. Appointment of Auditor
  9. Any Other Business

In accordance with Bylaw 10 & 11, only members in good standing are to attend.
All 2024 and 2025 Annual Members and Life Full Voting and Life Honorary are entitled to vote.   Life Overseas Members are entitled to observe.

Special thanks to Peter Mullins, Chairman of the Nominating Committee for his time and effort into producing the following.

Report from Peter Mullins
You will see that I have offered to serve on the Board to fill the vacancy of Club Secretary.  Should any member wish to challenge this nomination or propose an alternative nomination, then I would be happy to stand down and withdraw my nomination.
This is allowed under the current bye-laws of the club, 30.2.

Here is the slate.

Board Position Current Director Nomination
Officers of the Club
Commodore Richard Archer Clarence Pilgrim
Vice Commodore Jane Easton Richard Fear
Rear Commodore Richard Fear Alexander “Sandy” Mair
Club Secretary Rachel Greensmith Peter Mullins
Club Treasurer Clarence Pilgrim Still Looking for Nominations
Other Directors
House and Grounds John Gaillard John Gaillard
Social Director Susan Elliot Beatty Susan Elliot Beatty
Director At Large Shawn Malone Jeff Hadeed
Fleet Captain Thomas Patterson Thomas Patterson
Classic Yacht Captain Alexis Howard Robin Stout
Dinghy Fleet Captain Lorraine Mitchell Gaillard Lorraine Mitchell Gaillard
Younger Members’ Captain Jules Mitchell Still looking for Nominations