Round the (nearly) Sandy Island Race.

Saturday 18th January 2025

Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions

This race will be run according to World Sailing RRS 2021-24.

This is a friendly, club race and aggressive sailing and yelling rudely at fellow participants is not allowed. If you think someone is breaking a rule, politely protest them and display a red flag.

Protests should be submitted by email to as soon as possible after the race and no later than 1600 on race day. The hearing will be held via electronic means, results will be provisional until after protests are sorted out. All instructions will be given electronically, and the results will be announced electronically.

Entering and Entry Fees. Yachts wishing to participate must declare this to AYC, either in person or by phone to AYC office 460 1799 and the entry fee of 2EC per foot can be paid to the AYC office in person or by credit card over the phone.

Class and rating declaration. Yachts shall declare their preferred class and the rating they will use by 1500 hrs. on the Friday 17th January 2025 on either the Saturday racing at AYC group, by phone or in person to the AYC Office 460 1799. Final classes will be decided by AYC on Friday 17th January and promulgated on WhatsApp.

Communications on the day will be on VHF Channel 12 and where needed on the Saturday Racing at AYC WhatsApp group, and by mobile phone where needed to Tom Paterson 736-3424.

Time Limit. For all yachts will be 1530. If you think you can’t sail the course in 6 hours and want to sail, please request an early start time we will offer an early start time of 0830 for slower yachts wishing to sail.

This is a circular course and with the Jolly Harbour yachts taking their time when they go through the Falmouth harbour line and at the finish, and the Falmouth Harbour yachts taking their time when they go through the Jolly Harbour line.

We will have 3 races, the leg from Jolly to Falmouth, the leg from Falmouth to Jolly and the entire course. We do this so that the yachts from Jolly Harbour don’t need to sail to Falmouth for the Start and back to Jolly after the Finish.

There may be a time check on VHF Ch 12 at 0900 and at 0915, in any case set your watches to GPS time.

Jolly Harbour Start and Finish.

The Start line will be a reaching start between the western most of 5 islands and a buoy approx. 350 Meters to the West.

The signals will be on VHF CH 12 from HUEY TOO the first warning signal will be at 0925 with start signal at 0930 subsequent starts will be in a rolling start sequence. The start order will be cruising class, then cruiser racer and racing class will start together.

The Course will be:


Pelican Island off Johnson Point, PORT.

Buoy just South of Blake Island in Falmouth Harbour, STARBOARD.

Through Falmouth Start finish line (take your time).

Buoy just outside Falmouth Harbour STARBOARD.

Cades Reef, STARBOARD.

Salinas Shoal, STARBOARD. Irish Bank, STARBOARD.

A laid mark approximately 3 cables due south of Sandy Island STARBOARD.


Salinas shoal and Irish Bank are virtual marks these are the positions. Salinas Shoal 17 02.6N 61 55.8W Irish Bank 17 4.5N 61 55.7W

The Finish line will be the same as the start line.

All yachts must take their own finish time and then together with the name of the yacht ahead and behind them communicate this data to Tom Paterson on WhatsApp at + 1 268 736-3424 as soon as possible after finishing.

The information can also be posted to the Saturday Racing at AYC WhatsApp group as soon as possible after finishing.

If the finish mark west of 5 Islands is missing take your time when the western most of 5 islands is bearing 100 magnetic.

The finish line in Falmouth Harbour may be attended, take your time anyway.

Photo details of the course and start/finish areas are separately posted contact Tom Paterson for more information on WhatsApp +1 268 736-3424

Falmouth Harbour Start and Finish.

The Start line will be a reaching start between a committee boat and a buoy to its west, South of Blake Island in Falmouth Harbour.

The signals will be made from the committee boat.

The first warning signal will be at 0925 with start signal at 0930 subsequent starts will be in a rolling start sequence.

The start order will be cruising class (yellow), then cruiser racer and racing class will start together (green).

The Course will be.


Buoy just outside Falmouth Harbour STARBOARD.

Cades Reef, STARBOARD. Salinas Shoal, STARBOARD. Irish Bank, STARBOARD.

A laid mark approximately 3 cables due south of Sandy Island STARBOARD

Through the Jolly Harbour start/finish line (take your time)

Pelican Island off Johnson Point, PORT.

Buoy just South of Blake Island in Falmouth Harbour, STARBOARD.


Salinas shoal and Irish Bank are virtual marks these are the positions. Salinas Shoal 17 02.6N 61 55.8W Irish Bank 17 4.5N 61 55.7W.

If the Jolly Harbour finish mark west of 5 Islands is missing take your time when the western most of 5 islands is bearing 100 magnetic.

The Finish line will be the same as the start line.

All yachts must take their own finish time and then together with the name of the yacht ahead and behind them communicate this data to Tom Paterson on WhatsApp at +1 268 736-3424 as soon as possible after finishing.

The information can also be posted to the Saturday Racing at AYC WhatsApp group as soon as possible after finishing.

The finish line in Falmouth Harbour may be attended, take your time anyway.

Photo details of the course and start/finish areas are separately posted contact Tom Paterson for more information on WhatsApp  +1 268 736-3424

Fleet Captain – Tom Paterson


Published Results:View and Download