Tom & Leslie Arnold’s Hylas 44 – Farhaven
Their comments – We purchased her from Don & Rowena Dery back in 2009 (ex PERSUASION). They sponsored our membership in AYC. We have been cruising her up and down the Caribbean over the last 5 years based out of Antigua. This pic was taken last spring in the BVI sailing up towards North Sound, Virgin Gorda.
Leslie and I have been involved in the ACYR for the past four years and plan to be there again in 2014. I have had the great fortune to race on Mary Rose, Zemi, and Aschanti IV. Leslie has been involved in various volunteer activities for the Regatta and has run Hospitality over the last few years. She also does a lot of work recruiting members of the cruiser community as volunteers each year.
Henry & Phyllis Lees-Buckley’s Philbrook’s 66 – Bottom Line IV
Their comments – We are offshore members of AYC. Our home is Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada where we have our current boat “Bottom Line IV”. We are friends of Brad Esty and Paul Smith and we are currently building a home in Crawl Bay near English Harbour. We however are currently living in the Chicago area for work (we are Canadian and British).
I have attached a picture of our boat in a place called Desolation Sound, British Columbia. It is a magnificent part of the world particularly in the summer time. Brad Esty has joined us on board in the exact same spot a couple of years ago. Our boat is a custom built 66 foot “Philbrooks” raised pilothouse yacht. We are flying the AYC burgee on the bow and the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club burgee up the arch.